The Writ of Possession is the final phase of the Court eviction process. This is the order by the Court, which upon issuance by the clerk, directs the Sheriff of the County to place the tenants on notice that after 24 hours the Sheriff will cause the Plaintiff to be put back in possession of the premises.When the Sheriff’s Office gets the Writ of Possession, they append a Notice of Final Eviction. The Broward County Sheriff’s Office Notice reads as follows:
FINAL NOTICE OF EVICTION – Under the provisions of Florida Statutes, a Court order has been issued which requiring that all persons be removed from these premises. All persons must permanently remove themselves from this property no later than tomorrow midnight (excluding weekends and court holidays). Any person remaining in these premises past the deadline will be removed by the Broward Sheriff’s Office and may be subject to arrest for trespassing. Warning: any animals found unattended at this location will be removed by animal control. Al Lamberti, Sheriff Broward County, Florida
Timing for the posting of this notice can vary depending on the Sheriff’s Office workload and the time of year. Generally, once the Sheriff’s Office receives the order from the Court, the property is posted withint one to five business days. After the 24 hours has passed, the Sheriff’s Office will call to determine if the tenant(s) are still in possession of the property. If so, they will schedule a time for a Deputy to witness the changing of the locks and removal of the tenant(s), if necessary.